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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 10/15/09

5:30pm Sound Site Walk

Location: 2 High Street, John & Wendy Dunlap
Conditions: very chilly for October, dusk

Shannon McManus (KJK Wireless)
Stephen Anderson (Atty – Anderson & Kreiger)
Michael Bahtiarian (Sound Engineer)
Two Sound Engineer Assistants
Peter Burwen (Applicant)
David Kirkpatrick (Sound Engineer for the Applicant)
Bonnie Achterhof (Resident)
John Dunlap (Owner)
Peter Moore (Town Planner)
Doug Crafts (ZBA~Member)
Ron Haggett (ZBA Member)
John Giffin (ZBA Member)
John Kendall (ZBA Chair)
Diane Chauncey (Staff)
Ben Pratt (Resident)

REHEARING – Site Walk -Noise Study -  New Cingular Wireless, PCS (AT&T) 2009-01ZBA  Map 244 Lot6, 22 High Street.  

A Noise Engineering test had been set up by Michael Bahtiarian (Vice President _ Noise Control Engineering Inc.) to simulate the sound of an Hvac unit and the sound of a generator at the proposed site of a PWSF to be located on 22 High Street, Map 212 Lot 44. The “simulated test” consisted of a laptop computer, two loudspeakers, and a two-channel power amplifier. Because of the remoteness of the site, power was supplied by a Honda 900 Watt generator with a sound absorbing and sound blocking material between the generator and the direction of test. The cell tower simulated sounds had been pre-recorded at an actual Cell Tower site, and the sound that the group would listen to was to be representative of the sound of Cell Tower. The noise study is available at Town Hall.

The attendees walked 100 feet to the north and 100 feet from the “proposed cell tower” to listen to the simulated sound. The group spent approximately 20 minutes in that location and then moved to High Street. By this time, it was dark and difficult to navigate the terrain back down the hill to High Street.

Some of the group left to attend a Planning Board meeting, but a group of attendees walked up High Street to determine the sound of the abutting neighbors to the Cell Tower property. The group was unable to determine the actual sound at the abutting homes, as three of the abutters (Oicles, Bernardi, and Koban) had refused entrance on to their property.

Some of the attendees went by vehicle to the home of Burwen/Watts (11 Maple Avenue, Map 244 Lot 5) and walked up to the pond site - at the request of Chair Kendall.

The Sound Engineering team said that there would be a follow-up report of the tests that had been performed that evening. The report will provide sound pressure levels for each test at the noted property line locations and compare this with the previous estimated from the Reference report. The report will be provided within 15 business days of the completion of the test.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, on behalf of the ZBA